Hank Community Attendance Policy

Last updated: July 26, 2023

Here at Hank, our ultimate aim is to create a welcoming community where friendships and acquaintances can thrive. That’s why our very first community guideline is to treat others with respect and kindness at all times. (To see all of our community guidelines, just click here.) 

Our attendance policy is an important part of our overall community guidelines, and has been built with respect and kindness in mind—it’s never any fun to be the only person who shows up to an activity. To help make sure every community member has the best experience possible, here’s what you need to know about those times when life gets in the way of you attending an activity: 
Late Cancellation & No Shows: 

Cancelling more than 12 hours ahead of an activity—
If you RSVP to an activity and find that you can no longer join (it's okay, things happen sometimes!) we simply ask that you let other members know by clicking the “I can’t attend” button on the activity page. 

Cancelling less than 12 hours ahead of an activity—If you do need to cancel your attendance within 12 hours of the start time, you’ll be marked as a late cancellation. Members who late cancel three times within one calendar year will have their memberships suspended for a 30 day period. 

No-Shows to an activity—
No shows will result in the immediate suspension of your membership, for 30 days. Please note that canceling less than one hour ahead of an activity’s start time is also considered a no show, as it doesn’t allow time for activity organizers to adjust plans if needed. You’ll be notified by email after each late cancellation or no-show, so that you can keep track of the status of your membership.

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions about our attendance policy—or anything else—at gethank@widercircle.com or by calling +1 (213) 375-0467. We're always here to help.